8 Tips for Setting & Keeping your New Years Resolutions

December 27, 2021

For many, the New Year represents a time for self-improvement and goal setting. But it’s no secret that New Year's Resolutions are often short-lived. Many of us put pressure on ourselves to make drastic changes which is why we often stray from our plan. The secret to sticking with your New Year's resolution is to realize that big changes typically do not happen overnight. Goals can be worked on both gradually and consistently until it becomes a habit and a part of your daily routine. We’ve compiled some helpful tips for you to stay on track with your New Year's Resolution. 

    1. Keep it Simple - Don’t try to tackle too many goals at once, start by identifying your #1 goal for this year and let that guide you. Adding too many new habits can get you overwhelmed and feeling like there isn’t enough time in the day. 
    2. Keep it SMART - We are a big fan of SMART goals; which stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. Making sure that resolutions are attainable & measurable to your lifestyle is the first step to making it happen!
    3. Write it Down - Goals that are written down are 42% more likely to be achieved according to Dr. Gail Matthews at Dominican University. There are a bunch of different ways to write down your New Year’s Resolutions; write your goals in your daily journal, leave inspirational goal-oriented notes on your bathroom mirror, develop a bullet journal for your specific goal, or create a vision board.bullet journal
    4. Take It Slow Doing too much all at once can cause burnout. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself right at the very beginning, slowly build up to your new habits so that you don’t become overwhelmed, and call it quits before you’ve really begun. 
    5. Allow Little RewardsWorking on small goals and rewards within a larger goal can help keep you extra-motivated towards making change.  For example, if you are trying to eat healthier, reward yourself with a treat at the end of the week. This will help you to value the experience, not restrict yourself completely, and it'll be a small pat on the back for the progress already achieved. 
    6. Tell your Friends or Recruit a Partner - Simply telling your friends and family about your resolutions can help you stay on track. Or you can recruit a friend that has a similar goal to you. Having a friend that you can be accountable with can make it more fun! The most important thing is to surround yourself with people who will support you. Whether or not they know what your resolution is, having friends, family members, or partners who want to see you win, no matter what will help you along the way.
    7. Don’t Give UpWith anything, there may be challenges and life might get in the way. Be patient with yourself. Even if you take a break or slip up, there's always room to start back up again. Remind yourself why you wanted to reach this goal in the first place and start where you left off.  
    8. Be Kind - We tend to beat ourselves up when we mess up or are not able to see an instant change. Show gratitude towards yourself for coming this far and making a resolution to begin with. You are taking the first step in making a change; be proud of yourself! 💗