2021: The Year of You featuring Brittni Mason

January 13, 2021

The New Year is finally here and many of us have set goals and resolutions to better ourselves for the year to come. Like any new aspiration, it can come with overcoming some mental and physical roadblocks before tasting victory. Thankfully, there are those who inspire us by taking the challenge head-on and serve as role models of a healthy lifestyle and persevering mindset for us all, one person, in particular, being Brittni Mason. 

Brittni is a Cleveland native, a graduate from Eastern Michigan University, and the 2019 class T47 Gold Medalist Paralympic World Champion, holding the world record in the 100-meter dash. She was born with Erb’s Palsy which is a form of brachial plexus that limits the range of motion in her left shoulder and arm. 

“There have been some barriers I have had to overcome. As a child, I was a little self-conscious about being different from everyone else. I was constantly asked questions about my arm and I even wanted to look into the option of having any type of surgery to help repair the damage, but my parents told me to have confidence, never make any excuses and embrace who I was regardless of other people’s opinions.”

Mason is sure to take care of her mind and body throughout the week, training five days a week and on her off days, going to a masseuse and chiropractor. To make sure she is obtaining as much health and energy as possible for her training, she includes protein, vegetables, fruits, and water into her diet. She also relies on the importance of vitamins to keep her energy levels balanced (vitamin D, Iron, B12); making sure to eat three meals a day as well as snacks/meal replacements in between to help fuel her body for practice and competitions.

Even after practicing countless hours during the day, on more days out of the week than not, the work still does not end. Some may ask what motivates this amazing woman in her young twenties to constantly keep going? Mason says her main drive is the relationships she has built from traveling and meeting people — and of course, the runners high and adrenaline doesn’t hurt either.

When Mason is off the track, she spends her time learning more about business. “I hope to run my own business after graduation and maybe one day open a training facility to help younger athletes and be a role model for them to look up to.” After receiving her degree in exercise science, she has decided to pursue a master’s in business administration and sports management. 

It is inspiring to see a young woman take control and commit to a healthy and successful lifestyle! Masons’ favorite Garden of Flavor juice is the Wheatgrass Pineapple Energy Elixir for the “sweet yet earthy, green flavor”. She finds that juicing is a great way to meet all her nutritional needs without the hassle during her busy days of training, studying, and working. We look forward to continuing juicing and rooting for Brittni Mason in the Tokyo 2021 Paralympics, as well as rooting for all of you for a healthy and happy 2021 no matter what comes our way!

Brittni Mason

 Find Garden of Flavor Juice and Energy Elixirs in a store near you to kickstart your health goals this new year!