Customer Testimonials

The best way to describe the benefits of juicing is to read what our customers have to say.

Here in the Garden, we juice only certified organic vegetables, fruits, grasses and berries. By doing this, we extract the vitamins, minerals, enzymes and chlorophyll our bodies crave. By separating the mineral elements and the distilled water from the fiber, we create a juice that is easily utilized and digested by the body without depleting energy on the digestion process.


“Green Harmony is my favorite. I like getting my probiotic cultures right in my green juice. Something about the way you make your juices is so much better than others I have tried.” - Jimmy L. 


“Just finished my first juice cleanse. I did it for three days and my skin is so clear and my belly is flatter!” - Jillian M.


“Garden of Flavor makes it possible for me to do what I love! I have a history of arthritis and fibromyalgia so keeping up with my grandchildren or getting outside on cool damp Ohio days to dig in the dirt can be pretty painful. That was, until I discovered a natural way to feel better. I drink Mean Green, & Turmeric Tonic and that works better than any supplements I have tried. I also like the Cold Pressed Energy to keep me going in the afternoon. Thank You Garden of Flavor for improving my quality of life.” - Cindy O.


“I love your Grasshopper! I drink it every morning for breakfast and find it a great way to get protein in my body early in the day.” - Rose R.


“I drink at least two green juices a day. I have had a heart attack and two strokes. Your Mean Greens keep me going and I need them every day to feel better. If I skip a day or two, I can really feel the difference in my energy and the overall way I feel.” - Kevin P. 


“A Mean Green a day keeps my Gout away!” - Charlie G.


“Having significant stomach problems growing up, I have found that juicing provides the nutrients and good bacteria that allows my gut to function more normal. Juicing allows me to combine fruits and vegetables in ways I would have never tried otherwise. I love nourishing my body with all the powerful nutrients essential to healthy living. Thank you Garden of Flavor for providing high quality products that allow me to feel amazing.” - Samantha C.


“When I drink your juices, my whole body feels alive and nourished.” - Caroline L. 


“Drinking Garden of Flavor juice has profoundly changed my life. It has helped me stabilize my gut biome and allows me to always feel my best. I’d recommend Garden of Flavor to anyone that wants to feel their best and is passionate about maintaining a health edge as they get older.” - Craig L.


“Love White Knight, keeps me going during hockey season.” - Matt H.


“Your juice, Goji Pineapple, keeps me in good health, especially in times of need during rough winters and hot summers. Helps to clear my lungs so I can breathe easily and avoid asthma attacks!” - Tuyen R. 


“Drinking Garden of Flavor juice makes me feel like I am doing something really good for both my body AND mind. My thoughts are clearer, my energy level is higher and my sleep deeper. Basically, drinking Garden of Flavor juice helps me be the best me I can be!” - Ellen P.


“I juice cleanse at the change of seasons for a week. It makes me clean from the inside out! We are always aware of our outer physical body and cleanse that daily but the real cleansing happens inside!! Garden of flavor is my cleanse of choice because the work is done for me. Organic and cold pressed and no hunger!! My insides are cleansed of toxins and I feel light, have a clearer mind and more energy and vitality.” - Holly M.


One of the best things about Garden of Flavor juice is knowing that even if I’m not able to eat the best during the day, I know I’m still getting my vegetables and nutrients and taking care of my body when I enjoy a bottle. I’ve replaced my protein heavy breakfast for a refreshing Garden of Flavor juice and I’ve noticed a huge change in my energy level in the morning. I love that I am starting my day by nourishing my body with nutrients and vitamins. - Sarah S.